This is the second blog post in a three-part series on the relationships between the pronunciation of English words and their spellings. Follow the links for part one of the series on Silent Letters and part three on the Sound System of American English.
As mentioned in the previous blog post, it often happens that the spelling of an English word doesn’t match up well with its pronunciation. There’s another category of word that can also cause confusion; these are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. These words are called “homophones”. If you memorize the most common homophones in English, then you will avoid a lot of potential confusion in your communications. An added bonus of memorizing common homophones is that you will be able to easily understand many jokes, puns, and plays on words that you encounter (or even spice up your conversations by creating such plays on words yourself!)
Without further ado, here is a chart of some of the most common sets of homophones in English. Remember, all of the words in the left column are pronounced the same way. That is, if you say “ate, eight” out loud, then it should sound exactly the same as if you said “ate, ate” or “eight, eight”.
Spelling: | Pronounced: |
ad, add | ad |
Adam, atom | AD-um |
air, err, heir | air |
aisle, isle, I’ll | AI-ull |
aloud, allowed | uh-LOUD |
altar, alter | ALL-ter |
ant, aunt | ant |
assent, ascent | uh-SENT |
ate, eight | ate |
bail, bale | bale |
ball, bawl | bawl |
band, banned | band |
bazaar, bizarre | buh-ZAR |
bare, bear | bare (rhymes with “air”) |
base, bass (instrument) | base (rhymes with “ace”) |
be, bee | bee |
beat, beet | beet |
berry, bury | berry |
bin, been | bin |
billed, build | bild |
bite, byte | byte |
blew, blue | bloo |
board, bored | bord |
brake, break | brake |
buy, by, bye | by |
carrot, karat | KARE-ut |
cell, sell | sell |
cent, sent, scent | sent |
cereal, serial | serial |
chili, chilly, Chile | chill-ee |
chews, choose | chooz |
cite, site, sight | site |
close, clothes | kloz |
core, corps | kor |
course, coarse | korss |
creek, creak | creek |
cue, queue | kyoo |
days, daze | daze |
deer, dear | deer |
die, dye | dye |
do, due, dew | doo |
fair, fare | fare |
faze, phase | faze |
finish, Finnish | finish |
find, fined | find |
feudal, futile | FYU-dul |
flea, flee | flee |
feat, feet | feet |
flower, flour | FLOW-er (“flow” rhymes with “cow”) |
for, four | for |
fowl, foul | FOW-ul |
great, grate | grate |
groan, grown | grone |
Greece, grease | grees |
guest, guessed | gest (rhymes with “best”) |
gym, Jim | jim |
hair, hare | hair |
hall, haul | hawl |
heal, heel | heel |
hear, here | heer |
heed, he’d | heed |
herd, heard | herd |
him, hymn | him |
hire, higher | hi-er |
hole, whole | hol |
horse, hoarse | horse |
hostel, hostile | HAHST-ul |
hurts, hertz | herts |
I, eye | AI |
in, inn | in |
intense, intents | intense |
jewels, joules | joolz |
lessen, lesson | less-in |
maid, made | made |
mail, male | male |
manner, manor | manner |
meat, meet | meet |
metal, medal, meddle | MED-ul |
need, knead | need |
new, knew | noo |
no, know | no |
nose, knows | noz |
not, knot | not |
nun, none | nun |
oh, owe | oh |
one, won | wun |
or, oar | or |
our, hour | ow-er |
pail, pale | pale |
pair, pare, pear | pare |
past, passed | past |
peace, piece | peese |
peer, pier | peer |
plane, plain | plane |
poll, pole | poll |
pour, pore | pore |
prince, prints | prins |
principal, principle | PRINCE-i-pul |
profit, prophet | PRAH-fit |
rain, rein, reign | rane |
rap, wrap | rap |
red, read | red |
right, write, rite, wright | rite |
ring, wring | ring |
road, rode, rowed | rode |
roll, role | roll |
root, route | root |
sail, sale | sale |
sea, see | see |
seam, seem | seem |
seas, sees, seize | seez |
seen, scene | seen |
seller, cellar | seller |
side, sighed | side |
so, sow, sew | so |
sole, soul, Seoul | sole |
some, sum | sum |
son, sun | sun |
stair, stare | stare |
steal, steel | steel |
sweet, suite | sweet |
sword, soared | sord |
tail, tale | tale |
taught, taut | tawt |
tear (meaning: drop of water), tier | teer |
tear (meaning: rip), tare | tair |
tense, tents | tense |
there, their, they’re | thair |
threw, through | threw |
thrown, throne | throne |
tie, Thai | tye |
to, too, two | too |
tow, toe | toe |
vain, vein | vain |
way, weigh | way |
wait, weight | wait |
weather, whether | wether |
week, weak | week |
where, wear, ware | ware |
which, witch | witch |
whose, who’s | hooz |
will, we’ll | will |
wood, would | wood |
wore, war | wore |
worn, warn | worn |
your, you’re | yer |